The word broadband turns into brrrrrrrr band. Before revealing the blog title: How extreme weather can impact your broadband

How the weather can impact your broadband connection

Josh G | Social Media & Content Lead

The gale force winds, heavy rain and extreme temperatures we’re increasingly facing can have an impact on your broadband.

How to weather-proof your broadband

The weather. Moaning about it endlessly is a bit of a national obsession. But when it gets really bad, it isn’t just your mood that’s affected. The gale force winds, heavy rain and extreme temperatures we’re increasingly facing can also have an impact on your broadband.

Especially if you’re one of the 42% of people who still rely on the older technology that uses copper cables like ASDL or fibre-to-the-cabinet (FTTC). Upgrade to full fibre broadband however and you should still have something to watch until the sun comes back out.

☔ It's raining. Again. How heavy rain impacts broadband.

Let’s start with the most common British curse. Good old rain. We should be used to it by now but when a month’s worth falls in an hour, the resulting floods can cause chaos for older broadband infrastructure.

Excessive moisture damages underground cables and equipment. And even Wi-Fi signals are not immune as water droplets can absorb the signal, causing fluctuations. The best thing you can do is to upgrade to full fibre. Or get your wellies on and go puddle hunting.

🐸The wind in the willows. How gusty wind can cause broadband issues.

We might give storms cute names like Agnes or Ciaran (although Mr Toad would be more appropriate), but that doesn’t make them any less destructive. High winds can cause overhead cables to vibrate which can affect broadband signal. And flying trees can take them out entirely.

Upgrade to full fibre however and not only is the cable tougher and longer lasting than copper but the majority of fibre optic cables run underground.

⛄ Let it snow. How freezing weather can slow down your broadband.

The good news is that it rarely gets c-c-c-cold enough in the UK to cause any issues with broadband technology. The bad news is that the real damage to your internet speed is done by all the people who stay at home in front of the telly with their slippers on.

That extra demand can really stretch your bandwidth. Upgrade to full fibre though and it’s problem solved, even in the busiest households. So you can binge movies, blast aliens and even work (if you absolutely must) while you wait for spring. 

😎The heat is on - hot weather and broadband.

Okay, it’s not Death Valley in Dorset yet. But it has been getting steadily warmer in recent years and the main issue with hot weather and broadband in the UK is badly placed routers. If there’s not enough ventilation, or a build-up of dust, your system could overheat.

So make sure it isn’t jammed in and has room to breathe. And flick a duster over it once in a while. Also, to help it keep its cool, disconnect any devices you aren’t using and use ethernet cables where possible.

Lightning-fast broadband, come rain or shine

Whatever the weather, Full fibre broadband from Cuckoo delivers a superfast, fibre optic connection right into your home. With speeds of up to 900Mb so you can stream, game and zoom to your heart’s content. All over the house.

Contact one of our team to get started.

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